Additional information about an offense.
Element information
Namespace: http://niem.gov/niem/domains/familyServices/2.1
Schema document: domains/familyServices/2.1/familyServices.xsd
Type: fs:OffenseAugmentationType
Properties: Global, Qualified
NIEM properties:
- Applies to: j:OffenseType
- fs:JuvenileStatusOffenseIndicator [0..*] True if the alleged act is an offense when committed by a juvenile but not when committed by an adult; otherwise, false. (i.e., acts such as truancy, violating curfew, running away from home, and the like are not offenses unless the offender is under the age of majority.)
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:AugmentationType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:AugmentationType |
Used in
- Type fs:OffenseType (Element fs:Offense)
Substitution hierarchy
- s:Augmentation
- can be substituted with fs:OffenseAugmentation
Sample instance
<fs:OffenseAugmentation> <fs:JuvenileStatusOffenseIndicator>true</fs:JuvenileStatusOffenseIndicator> </fs:OffenseAugmentation>