Schema Central > NIEM 2.1 > xAL.xsd > a:AddressLine
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Free format address representation. An address can have more than one line. The order of the AddressLine elements must be preserved.

Element information

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Qualified



a:Type [0..1]a:AddressLineTypeListWhat does the address line describe? e.g. Street details, suburb details, post code details, whole address, etc
ct:DataQualityType [0..1]ct:DataQualityTypeListThis attribute indicates what level of trust can be given to the parent element. Omit this attribute if the data quality is unknown. If the data quality is known, the value is "Valid, else "InValid"from group ct:grDataQuality
ct:ValidFrom [0..1]xsd:dateTimeDate the data quality is valid from from group ct:grDataQuality
ct:ValidTo [0..1]xsd:dateTimeDate the data quality is valid tofrom group ct:grDataQuality
Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: ##other, Process Contents: strict

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