ISO 3166-1 trigraph(s) of the owner or producer country(ies) and/or CAPCO-specified tetragraphs of international organizations. Either (a) a single trigraph or tetragraph or (b) a space-delimited list of trigraphs followed by tetragraphs. Trigraphs must be in alphabetical order and tetragraphs must be in alphabetical order.
Attribute information
Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism:v2
Schema document: icism/2.0/IC-ISM-v2.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
from type xsd:NMTOKENS
Used in
- Attribute group icism:SecurityAttributesGroup
- Attribute group icism:SecurityAttributesOptionGroup
- Type icism-metadata:ICISMMetadataType (Element icism-metadata:ICISMMetadata)