Indicates which part of number or identifier this element contains. Some "numbers" are as simple as 42 and some "numbers" are more like complex aplhanumberic identifiers as Postcodes in UK or Canada, e.g. M2H 2S5. It may be necessary to separate the "number" into sub-elements and indicate what type of information each of them contains.
Attribute information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xal:3
Schema document: external/have/1.0/xAL.xsd
Other attributes with the same name: a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type, a:Type
Type: a:IdentifierElementTypeList
Properties: Local, Qualified
Valid value Description Name Applicable to mail box office names such as PO BOX, GPO BOX, MAIL BAG NO., etc. RangeFrom Indicates that the element contains the lower value of a range, e.g. 25 in 25-37 Range Indicates that the value is a range, e.g. 25-37 RangeTo Indicates that the element contains the top value of a range, e.g. 25 in 25-37 Prefix Indocates that the element contains some value that is important, but not exactly the number itself. E.g. PoBox can be a prefix in PoBox 2020, street no. A-15, where A is the prefix and 15 is the number Suffix Indicates that the element contains some value that is important, but not exactly the number itself. E.g. 'bis' in '45 bis' Number Indicates that the value is number, e.g. 2020 in PoBox 2020. The actual value can be alpha-numeric. Separator Indicates that the value is a separator that is expected to be preserved. Examples are / - #, as in 15-A where "-" is the separator Extension Indicates that the value is an extension number of some identifier, e.g. 01 in Private Bag 2330-01, where the main number of the private bag is 2330, 12345-1223 in post code where 1223 is the extension
Used in
- Type a:IdentifierType (Elements a:Identifier, a:Identifier, a:Identifier, a:Identifier, a:Number, a:Number)