Complex type information
Schema document: domains/immigration/2.0/immigration.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
- Sequence [1..1]
- im:ProgramSupervisionArrangementText [0..*] A field detailing supervision arrangements conducted by the PROGRAM.
- im:ProgramClassification [0..*] The classification of EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAMs offered by a sponsor.
- im:FederalGovernmentSponsorIndicator [0..*] A flag indicating whether or not the Federal Government is the sponsor of the PROGRAM.
- im:FinancialSupportMethodSelectionCommentText [0..*] A method used to select and arrange financial support for EXCHANGE VISITORs.
- im:TitleOfCertifyingOfficerText [0..*] The title of the officer responsible for certification of the PROGRAM
- im:StateGovernmentSponsorIndicator [0..*] A flag indicating whether the STATE GOVERNMENT is the sponsor of the PROGRAM.
- im:ForProfitIndicator [0..*] A flag indicating whether the PROGRAM Sponsor is a "for profit" organization.
- im:ProgramActivityCommentText [0..*] A field detailing the activities associated with a PROGRAM.
- im:ProgramStatusChangeDate [0..*] The most recent date on which the PROGRAM status changed.
- im:LocalGovernmentSponsorIndicator [0..*] A flag indicating whether or not the Local Government is the sponsor of the PROGRAM.
- im:FormUsageTotalQuantity [0..*] A number indicating the total number of DS-2019 forms used by a PROGRAM.
- im:OtherOrganizationRoleCommentText [0..*] A field detailing the roles played in the PROGRAM by other ORGANIZATIONs.
- im:ProgramDesignatedDurationNumeric [0..*] A number indicating the duration of a PROGRAM.
- im:ProgramExpireDate [0..*] The date on which the EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM would terminate.
- im:ProgramName [0..*] A field denoting the name of an EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM.
- im:ProgramIdentification [0..*] An identification of an EXCHANGE VISITOR PROGRAM.
- im:ProgramOriginalStartDate [0..*] The date on which the PROGRAM originally started.
- im:ProgramPurposeText [0..*] A field detailing the purpose of the PROGRAM.
- im:ProgramStartDate [0..*] The date in which the program begins.
- im:FormAllotmentQuantity [0..*] A number indicating the number of DS-2019 forms that have been allocated for a PROGRAM.
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used by
- Element im:ProgramEnrolled
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- im:ExchangeVisitorProgramType