Complex type information
- Sequence [1..1]
- gml:metaDataProperty [0..*] Contains or refers to a metadata package that contains metadata properties.
- Choice [1..1]
- gml:name Label for the object, normally a descriptive name. An object may have several names, typically assigned by different authorities. The authority for a name is indicated by the value of its (optional) codeSpace attribute. The name may or may not be unique, as determined by the rules of the organization responsible for the codeSpace.
- gml:csName The name by which this coordinate system is identified.
- gml:coordinateOperationName The name by which this coordinate operation is identified.
- gml:methodName The name by which this operation method is identified.
- gml:parameterName The name by which this operation parameter is identified.
- gml:groupName The name by which this operation parameter group is identified.
- gml:datumName The name by which this datum is identified.
- gml:meridianName The name by which this prime meridian is identified. The meridianName most common value is Greenwich, and that value shall be used when the greenwichLongitude value is zero.
- gml:ellipsoidName The name by which this ellipsoid is identified.
- gml:srsName The name by which this reference system is identified.
from subst. group gml:name - gml:axisID [0..*] Set of alternative identifications of this coordinate system axis. The first axisID, if any, is normally the primary identification code, and any others are aliases.
- gml:remarks [0..1] Comments on or information about this coordinate system axis, including data source information.
- gml:axisAbbrev [1..1] The abbreviation used for this coordinate system axis. This abbreviation can be used to identify the ordinates in a coordinate tuple. Examples are X and Y. The codeSpace attribute can reference a source of more information on a set of standardized abbreviations, or on this abbreviation.
- gml:axisDirection [1..1] Direction of this coordinate system axis (or in the case of Cartesian projected coordinates, the direction of this coordinate system axis at the origin). Examples: north or south, east or west, up or down. Within any set of coordinate system axes, only one of each pair of terms can be used. For earth-fixed CRSs, this direction is often approximate and intended to provide a human interpretable meaning to the axis. When a geodetic datum is used, the precise directions of the axes may therefore vary slightly from this approximate direction. Note that an EngineeringCRS can include specific descriptions of the directions of its coordinate system axes. For example, the path of a linear CRS axis can be referenced in another document, such as referencing a GML feature that references or includes a curve geometry. The codeSpace attribute can reference a source of more information on a set of standardized directions, or on this direction.
- gmx:alternativeExpression [1..*]
from type gml:CoordinateSystemAxisBaseTypefrom type gml:CoordinateSystemAxisType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
gml:id | [1..1] | xsd:ID | from type gml:CoordinateSystemAxisBaseType | |
gml:uom | [1..1] | xsd:anyURI | from type gml:CoordinateSystemAxisType |
Used by
- Element gmx:ML_CoordinateSystemAxis
Type inheritance chain
- gml:AbstractGMLType
- gml:DefinitionType
- gml:CoordinateSystemAxisBaseType
- gml:CoordinateSystemAxisType
- gmx:ML_CoordinateSystemAxis_Type
- gml:CoordinateSystemAxisType
- gml:CoordinateSystemAxisBaseType
- gml:DefinitionType