Container for an object representing the target or subject of an observation.
Complex type information
Schema document: external/ogc-gml/3.1.1/dhs-gmo/1.0.0/gml.xsd
- Choice [1..1]
- mo:MovingObject [0..1]
- mo:MovingObjectCollection [0..1]
- wfs:FeatureCollection [0..1] This element is a container for the response to a GetFeature or GetFeatureWithLock (WFS-transaction.xsd) request.
- gml:FeatureCollection [0..1]
- gml:MultiPointCoverage [0..1]
- gml:MultiCurveCoverage [0..1]
- gml:MultiSurfaceCoverage [0..1]
- gml:GridCoverage [0..1]
- gml:RectifiedGridCoverage [0..1]
- om:Event [0..1]
- om:CommonObservation [0..1] Observation event
- om:Observation [0..1] Generic Observation event
- om:Measurement [0..1] Measurement event
- om:CategoryObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a textual value from a controlled vocabulary
- om:CountObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is an integer representing the count of the observed property
- om:TruthObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a boolean value representing the truth value (usually existence) of the observed property
- om:ComplexObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a record representing a multi-component phenomenon
- om:DiscreteCoverageObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a generalized discrete coverage
- om:PointCoverageObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a point coverage which samples a property at points in the feature of interest
- om:TimeSeriesObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a time-instant coverage which samples a property of the feature of interest at different times
- om:ElementCoverageObservation [0..1] Observation, in which the result is a coverage whose domain elements contain references to objects encoded elsewhere, sampling the feature of interest in some way
- om:DiscreteCoverageObs [0..1] Observation event
- om:PointCoverageObs [0..1] Observation event
- om:TimeSeriesObs [0..1] Observation event
- om:ObservationCollection [0..1] Observation collection, using the "Composite" pattern
- om:ProcedureEvent [0..1] Description of an event involving a procedure.
- om:ProcedureHistory [0..1]
- gml:Point [0..1]
- gml:LineString [0..1]
- gml:Polygon [0..1]
- gml:LinearRing [0..1]
- gml:MultiGeometry [0..1]
- gml:MultiPoint [0..1]
- gml:MultiCurve [0..1]
- gml:MultiSurface [0..1]
- xls:MultiPolygon [0..1]
- gml:Grid [0..1]
- gml:RectifiedGrid [0..1] Should be substitutionGroup="gml:Grid" but changed in order to accomplish Xerces-J schema validation
from subst. group gml:_Featurefrom subst. group gml:_FeatureCollectionfrom subst. group gml:_DiscreteCoveragefrom subst. group om:Eventfrom subst. group om:AbstractObservationfrom subst. group om:ProcedureEventfrom subst. group gml:_GeometricPrimitivefrom subst. group gml:_Curvefrom subst. group gml:_Surfacefrom subst. group gml:_Ringfrom subst. group gml:_GeometricAggregatefrom subst. group gml:_ImplicitGeometry
Used by
- Element gml:subject
- Element gml:target