Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > fbi.xsd > fbi:FPCCodeSimpleType
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A data type for Fingerprint Classification.

Simple type information

NIEM properties:


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      AAPlain Arch
      CICentral Pocket Loop Whorl - Innter
      CMCentral Pocket Loop Whorl - Meeting
      COCentral Pocket Loop Whorl - Outer
      DIDouble Whorl Loop - Inner
      DMDouble Whorl Loop - Meeting
      DODouble Whorl Loop - Outer
      NAThe code NA is used when a finger cannot be printed because it has been amputated and not found with the body, and the amputation of the finger was related to the death of the individual or because it is burned or mutilated and the burning or mutilation was related to the death of the individual.
      PIPlain Whorl - Inner
      PMPlain Whorl - Meeting
      POPlain Whorl - Outer
      SRComplete Scar or Mutilated Pattern
      TTTented Arch
      XIAccidental Whorl - Inner
      XMAccidental Whorl - Meeting
      XOAccidental Whorl - Outer
      XXMissing or Amputated Finger
  • Type inheritance chain

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