Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > LandXML-1.1.xsd > land:CantStation
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A cant station.
            The “station” is a required double that is internal station value.
The “equilibriumCant” is an optional double that is the equilibrium cant.  This value is expressed in millimeters or inches depending upon the units
The “appliedCant” is a required double that is the applied cant.  This value is expressed in millimeters or inches depending upon the units.
The “deficiencyCant” is an optional double that is the cant deficiency.  This value is expressed in millimeters or inches depending upon the units.
The “cantExcess” is an optional double that is the cant excess.  This value is expressed in millimeters or inches upon the units.
The “rateOfChangeOfAppliedCantOverTime” is an optional double that is the rate of change of applied cant as a function of time.  This value is in millimeters /seconds or inches/seconds depending upon the units.
The “rateOfChangeOfAppliedCantOverLength” is an optional double that is the rate of change of applied cant as a function of length.  This value is in millimeters /meters or inches/feet depending upon the units.
The “rateOfChangeOfCantDeficiencyOverTime” is an optional double that is the rate of change of cant deficiency as a function of time.  This value is in millimeters /seconds or inches/seconds depending upon the units.
The “cantGradient” is an optional double that is the cant gradient.  This value is unitless.
The “speed” is an optional double that is the design speed.  This value is in kmph or mph depending upon the units.
The “transitionType” is an optional enumerated type.
The “curvature” is a required enumerated type.
The “adverse” is an optional Boolean that indicates whether the cant is adverse.

Element information

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified



station [1..1]xsd:double
equilibriumCant [0..1]xsd:double
appliedCant [1..1]xsd:double
cantDeficiency [0..1]xsd:double
cantExcess [0..1]xsd:double
rateOfChangeOfAppliedCantOverTime [0..1]xsd:double
rateOfChangeOfAppliedCantOverLength [0..1]xsd:double
rateOfChangeOfCantDeficiencyOverTime [0..1]xsd:double
cantGradient [0..1]xsd:double
speed [0..1]xsd:double
transitionType [0..1]land:spiralType
curvature [1..1]land:clockwise
adverse [0..1]xsd:boolean

Used in

Sample instance

<land:CantStation station="1.0" appliedCant="1.0" curvature="cw"/>

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