Element information
Namespace: http://niem.gov/niem/external/iai-ifc/RC2/ifc/dhs-gmo/1.0.0
Schema document: external/iai-ifc/rc2/dhs-gmo/1.0.0/IFC2X2_FINAL.xsd
Type: ifc:IfcObject
Properties: Global, Qualified, Abstract, Nillable
- Sequence [1..1]
- ifc:ObjectType [0..1]
from type ifc:IfcRoot
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
href | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from type ex:Entity | |
ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type ex:Entity | |
proxy | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type ex:Entity | |
edo | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from type ex:Entity | |
id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group ex:instanceAttributes | |
path | [0..1] | xsd:NMTOKENS | from group ex:instanceAttributes | |
pos | [0..1] | Anonymous | from group ex:instanceAttributes |
Used in
- Anonymous type of element ifc:RelatedObjects
- Anonymous type of element ifc:RelatedObjects
- Anonymous type of element ifc:RelatingObject
- Type ifc:uos (Element ifc:uos)
Substitution hierarchy
- ex:Entity
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRoot
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcObject
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcActor
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcOccupant
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcControl
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcActionRequest
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcConditionCriterion
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcCostItem
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcCostSchedule
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcEquipmentStandard
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFurnitureStandard
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcPerformanceHistory
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcPermit
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProjectOrder
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProjectOrderRecord
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcScheduleTimeControl
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcServiceLife
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSpaceProgram
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcTimeSeriesSchedule
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcWorkControl
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcWorkPlan
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcWorkSchedule
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcGroup
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcAsset
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcCondition
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcInventory
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralLoadGroup
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralResultGroup
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSystem
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcElectricalCircuit
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralAnalysisModel
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcZone
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProcess
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProcedure
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcTask
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcMove
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcOrderAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProduct
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcAnnotation
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuildingElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBeam
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuildingElementComponent
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuildingElementPart
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcPlate
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcReinforcingElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcReinforcingBar
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcReinforcingMesh
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcTendon
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcTendonAnchor
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuildingElementProxy
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcColumn
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcCovering
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcCurtainWall
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDoor
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFooting
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcMember
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcPile
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRailing
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRamp
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRampFlight
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRoof
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSlab
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStair
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStairFlight
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcWall
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcWallStandardCase
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcWindow
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDistributionElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDistributionControlElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDistributionFlowElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDistributionChamberElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcEnergyConversionDevice
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowController
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcElectricDistributionPoint
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowFitting
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowMovingDevice
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowSegment
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowStorageDevice
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowTerminal
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFlowTreatmentDevice
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcElectricalElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcElementAssembly
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcElementComponent
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDiscreteAccessory
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFastener
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcMechanicalFastener
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcEquipmentElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFeatureElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFeatureElementAddition
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProjectionElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFeatureElementSubtraction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcEdgeFeature
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcChamferEdgeFeature
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRoundedEdgeFeature
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcOpeningElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcEdgeFeature
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFeatureElementAddition
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcFurnishingElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcTransportElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcVirtualElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuildingElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcGrid
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcPort
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcDistributionPort
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProxy
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSpatialStructureElement
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuilding
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcBuildingStorey
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSite
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSpace
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralActivity
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralLinearAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralPlanarAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralPointAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralLinearAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralReaction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralPointReaction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralAction
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralItem
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralConnection
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralCurveConnection
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralPointConnection
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralMember
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralCurveMember
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralSurfaceMember
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralCurveMember
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcStructuralConnection
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcProject
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcConstructionResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcConstructionEquipmentResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcConstructionMaterialResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcConstructionProductResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcCrewResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcLaborResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcSubContractResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcConstructionResource
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcActor
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcObject
- can be substituted with ifc:IfcRoot