A data type for a container that provides a single location for all connectors that link objects in different sections of a ULEX message, such as connectors that link a Digest object to a Structured Payload object, or a Structured Payload object to an object in a different Structured Payload, or an attachment summary to a Digest object, etc.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://ulex.gov/ulex/2.0
Schema document: ulex.gov/ulex/2.0/ulex.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- ulexlib:SameAsConnection [0..*]A mechanism used to indicate that an object in the Digest represents the same object as in a Structured Payload, or that an object in a Structured Payload represents the same object as in a different Structured Payload.
- Choice [0..*]
- lexsdigest:CommunicationCaptureAttachmentConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for document attachment, such as a binary version of an email or a voice recording, and an object in the Digest.
- lexsdigest:CrimeSceneImageConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for a crime scene image and an object in the Digest and/or Structured Payload, for example to indicate that the image is a crime scene photo of a location or for an activity.
- lexsdigest:DocumentAttachmentConnectionA link between a LEXS Digest Document object and its binary representation.
- lexsdigest:ItemImageConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for an item image and an object in the Digest and/or Structured Payload, for example to indicate that the image is of a vehicle or firearm.
- lexsdigest:PersonBiometricConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for a person's biometrics and an object in the Digest and or Structured Payload, for example a binary representation of someone's blood sample. This connection covers all biometrics except for fingerprints.
- lexsdigest:PersonFacialImageConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for a person's facial image and an object in the Digest and or Structured Payload. Facial image should be of just a face, or at least an image from the waist up.
- lexsdigest:PersonFingerprintConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for a person's fingerprint(s) image and an object in the Digest and/or Structured Payload.
- lexsdigest:PersonImageConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for a person's image and an object in the Digest and/or Structured Payload. This connection should be used when the image is not just a facial or waist up image.
- lexsdigest:PersonSMTImageConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for a person's scar, mark, or tattoo image and an object in the Digest and/or Structured Payload.
- lexsdigest:SupportingDocumentationConnectionA link between an AttachmentSummary for some form of documentation, such as a binary version of a report, and an object in the Digest and/or Structured Payload.
- ulexlib:AttachmentSummaryConnectionA mechanism used to link an AttachmentSummary to objects in the Digest and/or Structured Payloads.
from subst. group ulexlib:AttachmentSummaryConnectionAbstract
Used in
- Element ulex:Linkages