A data type for a wrapper that contains all associations between objects.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://lexs.gov/digest/4.0
Schema document: lexs.gov/lexs-digest/4.0/lexs-digest.xsd
NIEM Properties:
- Base: lexsdigest:EntityType
- Sequence [1..1]
- icism-metadata:ICISMMetadata [0..*]
- lexsdigest:Metadata [0..*]Metadata about an object.
- em:NotificationIncidentAssociation [0..*]The group listing naming the referent incident(s) of the alert message. Used to collate multiple messages referring to different aspects of the same incident.
- fs:JuvenileGangAssociation [0..*]An association between a juvenile and a criminal gang organization.
- fs:MarriageAssociation [0..*]Applied augmentation for type nc:PersonUnionAssociationType
- fs:PersonCaseAssociation [0..*]Describes the relationship between a person and a given case.
- intel:IdentityAssociation [0..*]An association relating a set of identities belonging to the same actual person to each other.
- intel:PotentialIdentityMatchAssociation [0..*]An association relating a set of identities that may potentially belong to the same person.
- j:AccompliceAssociation [0..*]An association between an accomplice and a subject.
- j:ActivityArrestAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an arrest.
- j:ActivityAssistingPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and someone who assists with that activity.
- j:ActivityCaseAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a case.
- j:ActivityClearerPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who cleared information for that activity.
- j:ActivityCriminalOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a criminal organization.
- j:ActivityDispatcherAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who assigns people or units to respond to an activity or location.
- j:ActivityEnforcementOfficialAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an enforcement official.
- j:ActivityInformationAbstracterPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who abstracted information about that activity.
- j:ActivityInformationApproverAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who approved information for that activity.
- j:ActivityInformationOwnerAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who owns the information regarding that activity.
- j:ActivityInformationReleaserAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who releases the information about that activity.
- j:ActivityInformationReporterAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who reports information about that activity.
- j:ActivityJudgeAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a judge.
- j:ActivityJudicialOfficialAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a judicial official.
- j:ActivityLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a location.
- j:ActivityNarrativeDocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a document providing a narrative of that activity.
- j:ActivityOriginatingDocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a document that originated it.
- j:ActivityProgramAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a program.
- j:ActivitySubjectAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a subject.
- j:ActivitySupplementalDocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a supplemental document.
- j:ActivityUnknownAffiliateAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person of unknown involvement.
- j:ActivityVictimAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a victim.
- j:ActivityWarrantAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a warrant.
- j:ActivityWitnessAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a witness.
- j:IncidentInformantAssociation [0..*]An association between an incident and an informant for that incident.
- j:IncidentInvestigatorAssociation [0..*]An association between an incident and an investigator for that incident.
- j:IncidentItemObtainerAssociation [0..*]An association between an incident an item obtainer.
- j:IncidentUnknownAssociationPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between an incident and a person with an unknown link to that incident.
- j:OffenseArrestAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and the arrest of a subject alleged to have committed the offense.
- j:OffenseCitationAssociation [0..*]A relationship describing an offense that occurred and a subsequent citation that was issued as a result.
- j:OffenseIncidentAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and the incident during which the offense is to have been committed.
- j:OffenseItemAssociation [0..*]A relationship of a general nature between an offense that was committed and an article or thing.
- j:OffenseLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and a location at which the offense occurred.
- j:OffenseSubjectAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense that was committed and the subject alleged to have committed that offense.
- j:OffenseVictimAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense that was committed and an entity that was adversely affected by that offense.
- j:OffenseWitnessAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense that was committed and a person that observed the offense being committed.
- j:SubjectInvolvedPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a subject.
- lexsdigest:ActivityEmailAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and an email address involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityHashAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and a hash.
- lexsdigest:ActivityInstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and an instant messenger account involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityInvolvedOrganizationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and an organization involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and a network address involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and an other object involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityPrimaryPersonAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and the primary person involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityResponsiblePersonAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and a person who is responsible for the activity.
- lexsdigest:ActivityTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and a telephone number involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:AircraftOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an aircraft and an other object.
- lexsdigest:ArrestEnforcementOfficialAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an arrest and an enforcement official who made the arrest.
- lexsdigest:ArrestInvolvedWeaponAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an arrest and a weapon involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:ArrestOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an arrest and an other object involved in the arrest.
- lexsdigest:ArrestSubjectAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an arrest and a subject who was arrested.
- lexsdigest:BailBondAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a bailing entity, bailee, and bail bondsman entity.
- lexsdigest:BookingOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a booking and an other object involved in the booking.
- lexsdigest:BoyfriendGirlfriendAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.
- lexsdigest:CaregiverAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a caregiver entity and person taken care of.
- lexsdigest:CaseOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a case and an other object involved in the case.
- lexsdigest:CellmateAssociation [0..*]A relationship between people who have shared the same cell while in jail or prison.
- lexsdigest:CitationOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a citation and an other object involved in the citation.
- lexsdigest:ClientAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a client entity and a service provider entity.
- lexsdigest:CreditCardBillingLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a credit card and its billing address.
- lexsdigest:CreditCardOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a credit card and an other object.
- lexsdigest:DeclarationPersonAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a missing person and a person who declared them missing.
- lexsdigest:DeliveryAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a client entity and a delivery entity.
- lexsdigest:DocumentAuthorAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a document and its author.
- lexsdigest:DocumentOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a document and an other object.
- lexsdigest:DrugOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a drug and an other object.
- lexsdigest:EmailAddressOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an email address and an other object.
- lexsdigest:EmailExchangeAssociation [0..*]A relationship reflecting an email exchange, which may include references to the people, organizations, and email addresses involved. The exchange may involve multiple email messages, or may be used to represent a single email message when it is not known who is the originator versus the receiver.
- lexsdigest:EmailMessageAssociation [0..*]A relationship between originator, receiver, and corresponding email addresses. Originator and receiver can be a person and/or an organization, and/or a thing.
- lexsdigest:EntityEmailAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person/organization/other object and an email address, for example to indicate that a person has or uses a particular email address.
- lexsdigest:EntityInstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person/organization/other object and an instant messenger account, for example to indicate that a person has or uses a particular IRC chat address.
- lexsdigest:EntityNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person/organization/other object and a network address, for example to indicate that a person has or uses a particular network address.
- lexsdigest:EntityTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person/organization/other object and a telephone number, for example to indicate that a person has or uses a particular phone number.
- lexsdigest:ExplosiveOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an explosive and an other object.
- lexsdigest:FirearmOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a firearm and an other object.
- lexsdigest:HashOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a hash and an other object.
- lexsdigest:HomosexualAssociation [0..*]A relationship between people qualified as homosexual.
- lexsdigest:IncidentArrestAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and an arrest.
- lexsdigest:IncidentEmailAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and an email address (e.g. harassing or threatening email) involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentEvidenceAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and an item considered evidence in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentInstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and an instant messenger account.
- lexsdigest:IncidentInvolvedItemAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and an item involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and the location at which it occurred.
- lexsdigest:IncidentNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a network address involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and an other object involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentReportingOfficialAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and it's reporting official.
- lexsdigest:IncidentServiceCallAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a service call.
- lexsdigest:IncidentSubjectAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a subject involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a telephone number involved in the incident (e.g. threatening phone call).
- lexsdigest:IncidentVictimAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a victim involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentWeaponAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a weapon involved in the incident.
- lexsdigest:IncidentWitnessAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an incident and a witness to the incident.
- lexsdigest:InmateApprovedTelephoneListAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an inmate and approved telephone number list for calls.
- lexsdigest:InmateTelephoneCallLogAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an inmate and calls placed to a specific telephone number.
- lexsdigest:InstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between originator, receiver, and an instant messenger account. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization, or a thing.
- lexsdigest:InstantMessengerOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an instant messenger account and an other object.
- lexsdigest:IntangibleItemOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an intangible item and an other object.
- lexsdigest:ItemAssignedNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and a network address assigned to it.
- lexsdigest:ItemAssignedTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and a telephone number assigned to it.
- lexsdigest:ItemEmailAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and an email address.
- lexsdigest:ItemInstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and an instant messenger account.
- lexsdigest:ItemLienHolderOrganizationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an item and an organization that has a lien on it.
- lexsdigest:ItemLienHolderPersonAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an item and a person that has a lien on it.
- lexsdigest:ItemNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and a network address.
- lexsdigest:ItemTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and a telephone number.
- lexsdigest:LocationOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a location and an other object.
- lexsdigest:NetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between originator, receiver, and a network address. Originator and receiver can be a person or an organization, or a thing.
- lexsdigest:NetworkAddressOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a network address and an other object.
- lexsdigest:NotificationOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a notification and an other object involved in the notification.
- lexsdigest:OffenseEmailAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and an email address involved in the offense (e.g. harassing or threatening email).
- lexsdigest:OffenseInstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and an instant messenger account involved in the offense (e.g. harassing or threatening messages via IRC).
- lexsdigest:OffenseNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and a network address involved in the offense.
- lexsdigest:OffenseOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and an other object involved in the offense.
- lexsdigest:OffenseTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and a telephone number involved in the offense (e.g. threatening phone call).
- lexsdigest:OffenseWarrantAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and a warrant.
- lexsdigest:OffenseWeaponAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an offense and a weapon involved in the offense.
- lexsdigest:OrganizationContactAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an organization and a contact person for that organization.
- lexsdigest:OrganizationOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an organization and an other object.
- lexsdigest:PatientAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a patient and an entity who is treating them.
- lexsdigest:PawnAssociation [0..*]A relationship involving a pawn shop, item(s) being pawned, and a person pawning the item(s).
- lexsdigest:PawnItemReclaimAssociation [0..*]A relationship involving a pawn shop, pawned item(s) being reclaimed, and a person reclaiming the pawned item(s).
- lexsdigest:PawnItemSalesAssociation [0..*]A relationship involving a pawn shop, pawned item(s) being sold, and a person the item(s) are being sold to.
- lexsdigest:PersonArrestLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person and the location where they were arrested.
- lexsdigest:PersonBirthLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person and where they were born.
- lexsdigest:PersonContactAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person and a contact person.
- lexsdigest:PersonFoundLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person and a location where the person was found.
- lexsdigest:PersonLastSeenWitnessAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person and the witness who last saw them.
- lexsdigest:PersonOfInterestAssociation [0..*]A relationship between an activity and a person of interest involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:PersonOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a person and an other object.
- lexsdigest:PhysicalMailAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a sender and recipient of one or more pieces of physical mail (not email).
- lexsdigest:ProgramOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a program activity and an other object involved in the activity.
- lexsdigest:PropertyRecoveryLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a property item and where it was recovered.
- lexsdigest:PropertySeizedLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a property item and where it was seized.
- lexsdigest:RelatedActivityAssociation [0..*]A relationship between activities.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallCallerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and the person who called.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallDispatcherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and the dispatching person.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallDispatchLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and where assistance was dispatched.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallEmailAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and email address where a request for service originated.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallInstantMessengerAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and an instant messenger account where a request for service originated.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallLocationAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and a location where a request for service originated.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallNetworkAddressAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and a network address where a request for service originated.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallOperatorAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and an operator.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and an other object involved in the service call.
- lexsdigest:ServiceCallTelephoneNumberAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a service call and a telephone number where a request for service originated.
- lexsdigest:StudentAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a teaching entity and pupil.
- lexsdigest:SubjectVictimAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a subject and a victim.
- lexsdigest:SubjectWitnessAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a subject and a witness.
- lexsdigest:SubstanceOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a substance and an other object.
- lexsdigest:TangibleItemOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a tangible item and an other object.
- lexsdigest:TaskForceLeadAgencyAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a task force and a lead agency of the task force.
- lexsdigest:TaskForceMemberAgencyAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a task force organization and an organization that is a member agency of the task force.
- lexsdigest:TelephoneCallAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a telephone call originating entity and a telephone call receiving entity.
- lexsdigest:TelephoneCallExchangeAssociation [0..*]A relationship reflecting a telephone call exchange, which may include references to the people, organizations, and telephone numbers involved. The exchange may involve multiple telephone calls, or may be used to represent a single telephone call when it is not known who is the originator versus the receiver.
- lexsdigest:TelephoneNumberOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a telephone number and an other object.
- lexsdigest:VehicleOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a vehicle and an other object.
- lexsdigest:VesselOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a vessel and an other object.
- lexsdigest:VictimWitnessAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a victim and a witness.
- lexsdigest:VisitAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a visitor entity and a visited entity.
- lexsdigest:WarrantOtherAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a warrant and an other object involved in the warrant.
- lexsdigest:WeaponUserAssociation [0..*]A relationship between a weapon and a user of the weapon.
- m:WatchListAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and an entity (vessel, aircraft, person, etc.) that the organization declares to be of interest and has placed on a watch list.
- nc:AcquaintanceAssociation [0..*]An association between people who recognize each other but do not know each other very well.
- nc:ActivityDocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a document.
- nc:ActivityInformationAbstracterOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an organization that abstracted information for that activity.
- nc:ActivityInformationClearerOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an organization that cleared information for that activity.
- nc:ActivityInvolvedPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person involved in that activity.
- nc:ActivityItemAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an item.
- nc:ActivityPrimaryOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an organization primarily associated with that activity.
- nc:ActivityReportingOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an organization that responded to that organization.
- nc:ActivityResponsibleOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an organization with responsibility over that activity.
- nc:ActivitySupervisorOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and an organization supervising that activity.
- nc:ActivitySupervisorPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a person who supervises the activity.
- nc:AuthorityFigureAssociation [0..*]An association between a person with a trusted position of authority over a person.
- nc:BabysitterAssociation [0..*]An association between a babysitter and babysittee.
- nc:CohabitantAssociation [0..*]An association between people who live together.
- nc:CoworkerAssociation [0..*]An association between people who work together.
- nc:DomesticPartnershipAssociation [0..*]An association of two people who live together, are of the same sex, and share a significant, spouse-like relationship without the partnership being legally sanctioned.
- nc:FriendshipAssociation [0..*]An association between people who are friends.
- nc:GuardianAssociation [0..*]An association between a guardian and a dependent.
- nc:ImmediateFamilyAssociation [0..*]An association between parents and children.
- nc:ItemContainerAssociation [0..*]An association between an item and something in which it is held.
- nc:ItemHolderAssociation [0..*]An association between a property item and the entity holding or storing that property item.
- nc:ItemLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a property and a location.
- nc:ItemMoverAssociation [0..*]An association between a property item and an entity that moved that property item.
- nc:LocationContainsOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between a location and an organization at that location.
- nc:LocationEmergencyServicesAssociation [0..*]An association between a location and its emergency services.
- nc:LocationNeighboringPersonAssociation [0..*]An association between a location and a person neighboring that location.
- nc:LocationOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between a location and an organization.
- nc:LocationPoliceDepartmentAssociation [0..*]An association between a location and its police department.
- nc:NeighborAssociation [0..*]An association between people who live close to each other.
- nc:OrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and another organization.
- nc:OrganizationGangAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and a gang.
- nc:OrganizationItemAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and an item.
- nc:OrganizationOwnsItemAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and a property item owned by that organization.
- nc:OrganizationParentAssociation [0..*]An entity that owns, controls, or operates the organization.
- nc:OrganizationPossessesItemAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and a property item possessed by that organization.
- nc:OrganizationPrincipalOfficialAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and its principal official.
- nc:OrganizationSubsidiaryAssociation [0..*]An association between an organization and its subsidiary organization.
- nc:PersonAssignedUnitAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a unit to which that person is assigned.
- Choice [0..*]
- nc:PersonAssociationAn association between people.
- scr:FamilyAssociationApplied augmentation for type nc:PersonAssociationType
from subst. group nc:PersonAssociation - nc:PersonConveyanceAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a conveyance.
- nc:PersonCriminalOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a criminal organization.
- nc:PersonCurrentEmploymentAssociation [0..*]An employment a person currently holds.
- nc:PersonCurrentLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and the current location of that person.
- nc:PersonDetainmentLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a location at which that person is being detained.
- nc:PersonDocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a document.
- nc:PersonEmploymentAssociation [0..*]An employment of a person.
- nc:PersonEmploymentLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a location at which that person is employed.
- nc:PersonFormerEmploymentAssociation [0..*]An employment a person held in the past but does not currently hold.
- nc:PersonGangAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a gang.
- nc:PersonInvolvedInDrivingIncidentAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a driving incident in which that person was involved.
- nc:PersonIssuedCourtOrderAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a court order issued to that person.
- nc:PersonIssuedDocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a document issued to that person.
- nc:PersonItemAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and an item.
- nc:PersonKnownPreviousLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a location at which that person is know to have been previously.
- nc:PersonLastSeenLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and the last known location at which that person was seen.
- nc:PersonLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a location.
- nc:PersonOrganizationAffiliationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and an organization.
- nc:PersonOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and an organization.
- nc:PersonOwnsItemAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a property item that person owns.
- nc:PersonPossessesItemAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a property item that person possesses.
- nc:PersonPrimaryWorkerAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a primary worker assigned to that person.
- nc:PersonReferralWorkerAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a referral worker assigned to that person.
- nc:PersonTemporaryAssignedUnitAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a temporarily assigned unit.
- nc:PersonWorkerAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a person assigned to do work for or on behalf of that person.
- nc:PreviousActivityAssociation [0..*]An association between an activity and a preceding activity.
- nc:PropertyCurrentLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a property and its current location.
- nc:PropertyDispositionLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a property and disposition location.
- nc:RelatedCaseAssociation [0..*]An association between related cases.
- nc:ResidenceAssociation [0..*]An association between a person and a location where that person lives.
- nc:StrangerAssociation [0..*]An association between people who do not know each other.
- nc:TransportationAssociation [0..*]An association between a conveyance and the people and/or goods it transported.
- nc:VehicleGarageLocationAssociation [0..*]An association between a vehicle and its garage location.
- nc:VehicleTowerAssociation [0..*]An association between a property item and the entity that towed that property item.
- scr:AdoptedChildAssociation [0..*]An unmarried CHILD under 18 years of age taken voluntarily as a dependent by a person other than his/her biological parents.
- scr:DocumentAssociation [0..*]An association between documents.
- scr:DocumentOrganizationAssociation [0..*]An association between an ORGANIZATION and a DOCUMENT.
- scr:LocationAssociation [0..*]An association between one LOCATION and another LOCATION.
- scr:OrganizationPhoneAssociation [0..*]An association between PERSON and PHONE.
- scr:PersonPhoneAssociation [0..*]An association between a PERSON and a PHONE.
from type lexsdigest:EntityType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
s:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType | |
s:linkMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type s:ComplexObjectType |
Used in
- Element lexsdigest:Associations
Type inheritance chain
- s:ComplexObjectType
- extended by lexsdigest:EntityType
- extended by lexsdigest:EntityAssociationsType
- extended by lexsdigest:EntityType