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The table model for Congressional legislative documents uses the OASIS (formerly known as CALS) Table Exchange Model with some additions and modifications to accommodate House and Senate requirements as defined by the U.S. Government Printing Office. 

Element information

Namespace: None

Schema document: res.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified



table-type [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypeAlias for a table based on the number of columns and rows. A table-type may also refer to a table used for a specific purpose.
align-to-level [0..1]Anonymous
frame [0..1]AnonymousThis attribute is defined by the OASIS Open Exchange Table Model. Describes position of outer rulings.The outer rulings appear in place of and in the space that would otherwise be taken by horizontal and vertical rulings on the outsides of those entries that appear at the edges of the table.
colsep [0..1]yesornoThis attribute is defined by the OASIS Open Exchange Table Model. Specifies the presence or absence of column separator rules (vertical rules). Provides the default value for all tgroups in this table.If colsep is non-zero, display internal column rules to the right of each entry; if zero, do not display the rules. This value is ignored for the rightmost column, where the frame setting applies. The colsep value is determined by the leftmost column of a spanning entry, even though its effect is on the last column of such spanning entry.This attribute value is implied from the closest element in the inheritance path: colspec then tgroup then table. Note that if a tgroup or table element has no explicit specification for this attribute but does have an associated style sheet that gives a specification for this attribute, then this value shall be used as the value that is inherited from this element.
rowsep [0..1]yesornoThis attribute is defined by the OASIS Open Exchange Table Model. Specifies the presence or absence of row separator rules (horizontal rules). Provides the default value for all tgroups in this table.If rowsep is non-zero, display the internal row rules below each entry; if zero, do not display the rules. Ignored for the last row of the table (i.e., the last row of the last tgroup in this table), where the frame value applies.This attribute is implied from the closest element in the inheritance path: row then colspec then tgroup then table. Note that if a tgroup or table element has no explicit specification for this attribute but does have an associated style sheet that gives a specification for this attribute, then this value shall be used as the value that is inherited from this element.
blank-lines-before [0..1]AnonymousDefault value is "0".
blank-lines-after [0..1]AnonymousThe number of blank lins after the action-desc. The default is “0”. Default value is "0".
pgwide [0..1]yesornoTo be defined when tables are defined. from group tbl.table.att
line-rules [1..1]AnonymousLine-rule output consists of combinations of system generated rules for the top, boxheads, end of table, verticals, and sides. from group tbl.table.att
rule-weights [0..1]xsd:NMTOKENOverride in tenths of a point from 0 to whatever. The order of specification is top, bottom of boxheads, end of table, all other horizontals, verticals, and gap between parallel, all separated by periods and entered as "?.?.?...?". from group tbl.table.att
subformat [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypeThis attribute is used in the table tool to indicate which array of table header rules, within the table tool, to use to produce the proper GPO style formatting for spanning headers. from group tbl.table.att
changed [0..1]AnonymousHas this ENTIRE structural element (such as a Section (structure of legislation), Title (structure of legislation), etc.) been added or deleted?Note: Use the <added-phrase> and <deleted-phrase> elements for changes inside a structure that are less than the full structure.This attribute is used to mark entire structures that should be made typographically distinct because they have been added to or deleted from a measure. In contrast, the added phrase <added-phrase> and deleted phrase <deleted-phrase> elements are used to indicate changes within a structure that are less than the full structure, sometimes as little as a word, a number, or a few letters.A structure (such as a title or a section) that has been marked as changed using this attribute is usually presented in a different typographic style to indicate the change. Material that has been inserted (added) is typically in italics. Material that has been removed (deleted) is typically struck through. from group tbl.table.att
committee-id [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypeThe id of a working subdivision of a chamber, which prepares legislation or conducts investigations from group tbl.table.att
reported-display-style [0..1]Anonymousfrom group tbl.table.att
table-template-name [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypefrom group tbl.table.att

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