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The top level container element that contains all the text and markup for an entire resolution. This element encompasses the resolution's form (metadata which is the information about the resolution such as the congress and session), and the resolution-body (the actual words that comprise the content of the resolutions). Resolutions include simple, joint, and concurrent types.

Element information

Namespace: None

Schema document: res.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Sequence [1..1]
    1. pre-form [0..1]The pre-form element is a metadata element that defines information about the bill or resolution.
    2. metadata [0..1]
    3. form [1..1]Container element for those portions of a measure that are typically identified as metadata for the measure and displayed on the first page of the measure before the legislative language of the bill or resolution. Some of the elements contained within the form are also displayed in the endorsement (back cover) of the measure when applicable. The content model is: distribution-code?, calendar?, congress, session, legis-num, associated-doc*, current-chamber, action*, legis-type, official-title
    4. preamble [0..*]Container for the "why" portion (whereas) of a Resolution that explains the intent.
    5. resolution-body [1..1]Container for the actual words that comprise the content of the resolution.
    6. Choice [0..*]
    7. impeachment-resolution-signature [0..1]Signature identification of the Speaker of the House for an impeachment resolution. Only used in the Impeachment resolution (H Res 10 in the 106th Congress) when the Speaker signed the resolution.
    8. attestation [0..1]Container for information indicating passage of a measure and certification by the Clerk of the House of Representatives or the Secretary of the Senate (or their representatives) that a document is genuine. The text of the printed attestation will be generated from this information.
    9. endorsement [0..1]Used to create the endorsement structure that is on the “back” of a measure; the endorsement typically includes information about the measure's title, number, the chamber in which it is being considered, its calendar number, etc. Endorsements are created by either the GPO or the Clerks. GPO creates endorsements on calendar bills (reported bills), while the Enrolling Clerks create endorsements on engrossments. It should be noted that a simple resolution reported has an endorsement, but engrossed simple resolutions do not have endorsements.


key [0..1]AnonymousRepresents the organization that created this version of the bill (House, Senate, GPO, or Library of Congress). Different organizations may provide value added data to the document (e.g., Library of Congress may add elements to provide additional search capabilities).
stage-count [0..1]AnonymousDefault value is "1".
resolution-stage [1..1]AnonymousIdentifier for a resolution’s stage in the legislative process. Values indicate the significant life stages in the process of a Resolution, which may affect color of paper or typographic style necessary when the Resolution is printed or displayed.
resolution-type [0..1]AnonymousIdentifies the type of resolution (i.e., standard, order-of-business, OLC-form, concur-with-amendment, multiple-resolved-clause, or impeachment). Standard is the default. This attribute effectively defines the resolution style since OLC-form is OLC styled and all others represent traditional style. Default value is "standard".
dms-id [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypeUnique identifier for the bill, intended to be used by the document management system. Both the identifier and the version number for each bill are given in the attributes on the bill (top) level.This identifier is NOT the same as the legislation number (<legis-num>, which is the number assigned to a bill by the originating chamber, for example, H.R. 12.
dms-version [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypeThe version number of the measure, intended to be used by the document management system. Both the identifier and the version number for each measure are given in attributes on the top level element (bill, resolution, and amendment document).
slc-id [0..1]xsd:anySimpleType
public-private [1..1]AnonymousIs this measure public or private? The values are: public, impacting a specific individual and private, impacting the public at large
star-print [0..1]AnonymousA reprint of a bill, resolution, amendment, or committee report correcting technical or substantive errors in a previous printing; so called because of the small black star that appears on the front page or cover. Default value is "no-star-print".
microcomp-version [0..1]xsd:anySimpleTypeThe composition application version used to compose the document.
public-print [0..1]AnonymousDefault value is "no".