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The text appearing after the closing quotemarks in a <quoted-block>. This is usually a period, but could be “;”, or “; and”, or anything else. The closing double quotemarks need to be generated by downstream display systems. 

Element information

Namespace: None

Schema document: res.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
  • Choice [0..*]
      from group pcd-model
    • marker [0..1]The marker exists wherever #PCDATA is allowed. It is used at the developers discretion.
    • from subst. group revisions
    • added-phraseNewly added or inserted material. This material is usually shown in italic. There are two ways material may be marked as new or deleted. If an entire structure such as a <title> or <section> has been added or deleted, the changed attribute on the structure could be set to “added” or “deleted.” If only a small portion of a structure has been added or deleted, perhaps a few words or a single letter, the <added-phrase> and <deleted-phrase> elements are used to mark those small additions and deletions. Note: This is not the element to be used in an amendment to insert text. This is the element used in a bill or resolution to indicate that text has been added. In an amendment, the text to be inserted is contained within a <text-to-insert> element.
    • deleted-phraseWords or phrases which have been stricken or which show strike-through. Material that has been deleted from a bill or resolution is printed and displayed as typographically distinct, to indicate that it has been removed. In current measures, this material is usually shown with a line through it as to indicate that it has been stricken. There are two ways material may be marked as new or deleted. If an entire structure such as a <title> or <section> has been added or deleted, the changed attribute on the structure could be set to “added” or “deleted.” If only a small portion of a structure has been added or deleted, perhaps a few words or a single letter, the <added-phrase> and <deleted-phrase> elements are used to mark those small additions and deletions. Note: This is not the element used in an amendment to strike text. This is the element used in a bill or resolution to indicate text that has been stricken. The instructions in an amendment to indicate that text is to be stricken are marked with the <text-to-strike-out> element.
    • linebreakUsed to force a newline in the output. Should be used very rarely.
    • pagebreakUsed to force a new page in the output. Should be used very rarely.
    • inline-commentAn inline-comment element defines an inline-comment from the author. This element is not displayed on output.
    • legis-commentThe legis-comment element defines a comment to the legislative language.


display [0..1]AnonymousDetermines if the element is visible or not. Default value is "yes".

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