Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:block-only
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Schema document: fo.xsd


  • Choice [1..1]
    • fo:blockFormats paragraphs, titles, headlines, figure and table captions, etc. The start edge (and end edge) of the block is displaced by the least amount necessary to insure that (a) the start edge (end edge) of the block does not intersect any of the start intrusions (end intrusions) that overlap that block and (b) the amount by which it is displaced is at least as much as the displacement of the parent area, provided the parent is a block-area which is not a reference-area. An intrusion is said to overlap a block if the there is a line parallel to the inline progression direction that intersects the allocation rectangles of both the block and the intrusion.
    • fo:block-containerGenerates a block-level reference-area.
    • fo:table-and-captionFormats a table together with its caption.
    • fo:tableA table.
    • fo:list-blockA list.

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