Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:writing-mode-related-properties
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Writing-mode-related Properties


Attribute group information


Schema document: fo.xsd


direction [0..1]AnonymousThe base writing direction of blocks and the direction of embeddings and overrides for the Unicode BIDI algorithm. In addition, it specifies the direction of table column layout, the direction of horizontal overflow, and the position of an incomplete last line in a block in case of 'text-align: justify'. This property only has an effect on text in which the orientation of the glyphs is perpendicular to the inline-progression-direction. Therefore, vertical ideographic text with the initial value for "glyph-orientation-vertical" is not affected by this property; vertical text for which the "glyph-orientation-vertical" property has the value of "90" or "-90" degrees is affected. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:direction
glyph-orientation-horizontal [0..1]AnonymousThe orientation of glyphs relative to the path direction specified by the 'writing-mode'. This property is applied only to text written in a horizontal writing-mode.from group fo:glyph-orientation-horizontal
glyph-orientation-vertical [0..1]AnonymousThe orientation of glyphs relative to the path direction specified by the writing-mode. This property is applied only text written with an inline-progression-direction top-to-bottom or bottom-to-top.from group fo:glyph-orientation-vertical
text-altitude [0..1]AnonymousThe "height" to be used for the ascent above the dominant baseline.from group fo:text-altitude
text-depth [0..1]AnonymousThe "depth" to be used for the descent below the dominant baseline.from group fo:text-depth
unicode-bidi [0..1]AnonymousCSS2 Reference: from group fo:unicode-bidi
writing-mode [0..1]Anonymousfrom group fo:writing-mode