Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:table-properties
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Table Properties


Attribute group information


Schema document: fo.xsd


border-after-precedence [0..1]fo:border-precedenceThe precedence of the border specification on this formatting object for the border-after.from group fo:border-after-precedence
border-before-precedence [0..1]fo:border-precedenceThe precedence of the border specification on this formatting object for the border-before.from group fo:border-before-precedence
border-collapse [0..1]AnonymousA table's border model. The value "separate" selects the separated borders border model. The value "collapse" selects the collapsing borders model. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:border-collapse
border-end-precedence [0..1]fo:border-precedenceThe precedence of the border specification on this formatting object for the border-end.from group fo:border-end-precedence
border-separation [0..1]Anonymousfrom group fo:border-separation
border-separation.block-progression-direction [0..1]fo:lengthfrom group fo:border-separation
border-separation.inline-progression-direction [0..1]fo:lengthfrom group fo:border-separation
border-start-precedence [0..1]fo:border-precedenceThe precedence of the border specification on this formatting object for the border-start.from group fo:border-start-precedence
caption-side [0..1]AnonymousThe position of the caption box with respect to the table box. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:caption-side
column-number [0..1]fo:numberFor an fo:table-column formatting object, it specifies the column-number of the table cells that may use properties from this fo:table-column formatting object by using the from-table-column() function. The initial value is 1 plus the column-number of the previous table-column, if there is a previous table-column, and otherwise 1. For an fo:table-cell it specifies the number of the first column to be spanned by the table-cell. The initial value is the current column-number. For the first table-cell in a table-row, the current column number is 1. For other table-cells, the current column-number is the column-number of the previous table-cell in the row plus the number of columns spanned by that previous cell.from group fo:column-number
column-width [0..1]AnonymousThe width of the column whose value is given by the "column-number" property. This property, if present, is ignored if the "number-columns-spanned" property is greater than 1. The "column-width" property must be specified for every column, unless the automatic table layout is used.from group fo:column-width
empty-cells [0..1]AnonymousIn the separated borders model, this property controls the rendering of borders around cells and the rendering of the background of cells that have no visible content. Empty cells and cells with the "visibility" property set to "hidden" are considered to have no visible content. Visible content includes "<nbsp;" (non-breaking-space) and other whitespace except ASCII CR ("\0D"), LF ("\0A"), tab ("\09"), and space ("\20"). CSS2 Reference: from group fo:empty-cells
ends-row [0..1]AnonymousWhether this cell ends a row. This is only allowed for table-cells that are not in table-rows.from group fo:ends-row
number-columns-repeated [0..1]fo:numberThe repetition of a table-column specification n times; with the same effect as if the fo:table-column formatting object had been repeated n times in the result tree. The "column-number" property, for all but the first, is the column-number of the previous one plus its value of the "number-columns-spanned" property.from group fo:number-columns-repeated
number-columns-spanned [0..1]fo:numberFor an fo:table-column this property specifies the number of columns spanned by table-cells that may use properties from this fo:table-column formatting object using the from-table-column() function. For an fo:table-cell the "number-columns-spanned" property specifies the number of columns which this cell spans in the column-progression-direction starting with the current column.from group fo:number-columns-spanned
number-rows-spanned [0..1]fo:numberThe number of rows which this cell spans in the row-progression-direction starting with the current row.from group fo:number-rows-spanned
starts-row [0..1]AnonymousWhether this cell starts a row. This is only allowed for table-cells that are not in table-rows.from group fo:starts-row
table-layout [0..1]AnonymousThe algorithm used to lay out the table cells, rows, and columns. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:table-layout
table-omit-footer-at-break [0..1]AnonymousWhether a table whose last area is not at the end of an area produced by the table should end with the content of the fo:table-footer formatting object or not.from group fo:table-omit-footer-at-break
table-omit-header-at-break [0..1]AnonymousWhether a table whose first area is not at the beginning of an area produced by the table should start with the content of the fo:table-header formatting object or not.from group fo:table-omit-header-at-break