Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:dynamic-effect-formatting-objects-properties
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Properties for Dynamic Effects Formatting Objects


Attribute group information


Schema document: fo.xsd


active-state [0..1]AnonymousWhich of the fo:multi-property-sets are used to format the child flow objects within an fo:multi-properties formatting object. The states (or at least the events that cause the state to be entered) are defined by the DOM.from group fo:active-state
auto-restore [0..1]AnonymousWhether the initial fo:multi-case should be restored when the fo:multi-switch gets hidden by an ancestor fo:multi-switch.from group fo:auto-restore
case-name [0..1]fo:nameA name for an fo:multi-case. The name must be unique among the current fo:multi-case siblings, i.e., in the scope of the fo:multi-switch object that (directly) contains them. Other instances of fo:multi-switch objects may use the same names for its fo:multi-case objects. The purpose of this property is to allow fo:multi-toggle objects to select fo:multi-case objects to switch to.from group fo:case-name
case-title [0..1]fo:stringA descriptive title for the fo:multi-case. The title can be displayed in a menu to represent this fo:multi-case when an fo:multi-toggle object names several fo:multi-case objects as allowed destinations.from group fo:case-title
destination-placement-offset [0..1]fo:lengthThe distance from the beginning (top) of the page to the innermost line-area that contains the first destination area. If the first destination area is not contained in a line-area, the "destination-placement-offset" property instead directly specifies the distance to the top of the destination area.from group fo:destination-placement-offset
external-destination [0..1]fo:uri-specificationThe destination resource (or, when a fragment identifier is given, sub-resource).from group fo:external-destination
indicate-destination [0..1]Anonymousfrom group fo:indicate-destination
internal-destination [0..1]AnonymousThe destination flow object within the formatting object tree. This property allows the destination flow object node to be explicitly specified.from group fo:internal-destination
show-destination [0..1]AnonymousWhere the destination resource should be displayed.from group fo:show-destination
starting-state [0..1]AnonymousHow the formatting object to which it applies is initially displayed.from group fo:starting-state
switch-to [0..1]AnonymousWhat fo:multi-case object(s) this fo:multi-toggle shall switch to.from group fo:switch-to
target-presentation-context [0..1]AnonymousThe limited context in which the resource should be presented if the external destination is a resource of a processed structured media type for which a limited presentational context makes sense (e.g., XML, XHTML, SVG).from group fo:target-presentation-context
target-processing-context [0..1]AnonymousThe root of a virtual document that the processor preparing the new presentation should process if the external destination is a resource of a processed structured media type (e.g., XML, SVG).from group fo:target-processing-context
target-stylesheet [0..1]AnonymousThe stylesheet that shall be used for processing the resource. This stylesheet shall be used instead of any other stylesheet that otherwise would be used.from group fo:target-stylesheet