Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  white-space-collapse
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The treatment of consecutive white space during area tree construction. The overall effect of handling the linefeed-treatment property during refinement and the white-space-collapse and white-space-treatment properties during area tree generation is as follows: after refinement, where some white space characters may have been discarded or turned into space characters, all remaining runs of two or more consecutive spaces are replaced by a single space, then any remaining space immediately adjacent to a remaining linefeed is also discarded.


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      falseNo special action.
      trueFor any character flow object such that: (1) its character is classified as white space in XML, and (2) it is not, however, a U+000A (linefeed) character, and (3) the immediately preceding flow object is a character flow object with a character classified as white space in XML or the immediately following flow object is a linefeed, that flow object shall not generate an area.

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