Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  text-align-last
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The alignment of the last line-area child of the last block-area generated and returned by the formatting object, and to any line-area generated by the formatting object whose following sibling is a block-area that is not a line-area, and any lines in the block ending in U+000A.


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Union of:
      from type fo:text-align
      from type fo:inherit
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid value
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid valueDescription
        startThe content is to be aligned on the start-edge in the inline-progression-direction.
        centerThe content is to be centered in the inline-progression-direction.
        endThe content is to be aligned on the end-edge in the inline-progression-direction.
        justifyThe contents is to be expanded to fill the available width in the inline-progression-direction.
        insideIf the page binding edge is on the start-edge, the alignment will be start. If the binding is the end-edge, the alignment will be end. If neither, use start alignment.
        outsideIf the page binding edge is on the start-edge, the alignment will be end. If the binding is the end-edge, the alignment will be start. If neither, use end alignment.
        leftInterpreted as "text-align='start'".
        rightInterpreted as "text-align='end'".
    • Type based on xsd:token
      • Valid valueDescription
        relativeIf text-align is justify, then the alignment of the last line, and of any line ending in U+000A, will be start. If text-align is not justify, text-align-last will use the value of text-align.

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