The direction for "top" for the content-rectangle of the "reference-area". This is used as the reference for deriving directions, such as the block-progression-direction, inline-progression-direction, etc. as specified by the "writing-mode" and "direction" properties, and the orientation, placement, and tiling of the background.
Attribute information
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description 0 90 Rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the containing reference-area. 180 Rotated 180 degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the containing reference-area. 270 Rotated 270 degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the containing reference-area. -90 Rotated 270 degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the containing reference-area.This is equivalent to specifying "270". -180 Rotated 180 degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the containing reference-area.This is equivalent to specifying "180". -270 Rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise from the reference-orientation of the containing reference-area.This is equivalent to specifying "90". inherit
Used in
- Anonymous type of element fo:page-sequence via reference to fo:reference-orientation
- Anonymous type of element fo:simple-page-master via reference to fo:reference-orientation
- Anonymous type of element fo:region-body via reference to fo:reference-orientation
- Anonymous type of element fo:inline-container via reference to fo:reference-orientation
- Anonymous type of element fo:block-container via reference to fo:reference-orientation
- Attribute group fo:reference-orientation
- Attribute group fo:layout-related-properties via reference to fo:reference-orientation
- Type fo:region-before-after via reference to fo:reference-orientation (Elements fo:region-before, fo:region-after)
- Type fo:region-start-end via reference to fo:reference-orientation (Elements fo:region-start, fo:region-end)