Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  page-break-before
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A potential page break location is typically under the influence of the parent element's 'page-break-inside' property, the 'page-break-after' property of the preceding element, and the 'page-break-before' property of the following element. When these properties have values other than 'auto', the values 'always', 'left', and 'right' take precedence over 'avoid'. CSS2 Reference: "page-break-before" property


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: fo:page-break

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      autoNeither force nor forbid a page break before (after, inside) the generated box. break-before = "auto" keep-with-previous = "auto"
      alwaysAlways force a page break before (after) the generated box. break-before = "page"keep-with-previous = "auto"
      avoidAvoid a page break before (after, inside) the generated box. break-before = "auto"keep-with-previous = "always"
      leftForce one or two page breaks before (after) the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a left page. break-before = "even-page"keep-with-previous = "auto"
      rightForce one or two page breaks before (after) the generated box so that the next page is formatted as a right page. break-before = "odd-page"keep-with-previous = "auto"

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