Whether or not multiple references to the same page by different fo:index-key-reference formatting objects will be retained as individual cited page items or if only a single cited page item will be retained.
Attribute information
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description merge Only the first occurrence, in document order of the fo:index-key-reference formatting objects, of a reference to a given page number generated by multiple fo:index-key-reference formatting objects is retained. leave-separate Multiple references to the same page generated by different fo:index-key-reference formatting objects are retained.
Used in
- Anonymous type of element fo:index-page-citation-list via reference to fo:merge-pages-across-index-key-references
- Attribute group fo:merge-pages-across-index-key-references
- Attribute group fo:indexing-properties via reference to fo:merge-pages-across-index-key-references